This island at the edge
of the Pacific Ocean might not be high on most travelers’ itineraries. The name
itself might not ring any bell for readers far afield. But for anyone in
possession of a smart-phone, such as the “fruit machine”, it is likely that
some of the circuits within are designed and made in Taiwan. To expand on the list, bicycles and
tennis rackets have long been popular export items in the world. A recent craze,
somewhat controversial, emerged from this country is canned nitrous oxide, or laughing
gas which may be filling parties in replacement of drugs one day.
ordinary bash 非一般的派對
Dean-E Mei (1954- ), Give Me Hugs, 2000. ”Wanted Dean-E Mei,
A Retrospective 2014”
at Taipei Fine Arts Museum
梅丁衍 (1954-), 尋梅啟事1976-2014回顧展” 給我抱抱”2000
Mei puts together a convivial scene of Taiwan in
company with all of its friendly countries represented in the form of cushions.
Due to China’s isolation policy, the island state maintains full diplomatic ties
with only twenty-two governments in the world, Vatican City already being the
most well-known and influential of all. This installation provides a preamble
to understanding the precarious existence of Taiwan as a political and economic
entity, a status of which its citizens find little comfort.
梅丁衍運用一系列坐墊 - 代表台灣的友好邦交,營造出一個歡欣喜樂氣象。由於中國大陸對台的孤立政策,台灣目前只能與二十一個國家建立邦交,其中梵蒂岡以經是最為人所認識。這個裝置為普羅大眾提供一個了解台灣政經自身的初階。此堪虞狀態亦正是台灣人普遍不安的原因。
Nature 大自然
With rugged mountains, pristine coastlines and
abundance of resources, the compelling landscapes of the “treasure” island – as
it is tagged sentimentally, draw in frocks of visitors from nearby countries.
Get ready to shoot. The train journey along the
east coast of
Taiwan offers breathtaking sceneries before the eyes.
The trees in Pine Garden, Hualien are bent
due to the trade winds from the Pacific Ocean.
Once a shortcut to transport coal, Jing’an Suspension Bridge
at Shihfen has
become a famous tourist haunt in recent years.
The unique sandy beach at Wai’ao, Yilan attracts
swimmers and surfers alike. The fine dark sand is the remnant of volcanic ashes
accumulated over the years. An active volcano by the name of Turtle Mountain
Island is only a few kilometers from the coast.
Very brief history 至短簡史
Xiu Yuan)
As early as the 17th century, Taiwan was
only inhabited by island peoples of the South Pacific before the arrivals of
Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch and Japanese, who invariably had in mind national
interests of various kinds. This photograph was taken by the Japanese in the
colonial era at Celestial Hound Rock – a location unable be traced today.
No better institution, tangible enough, can sum up
the recent history of Taiwan than the National Palace Museum in Taipei. In the
photograph, hordes of wooden cases carrying museum pieces were lined up outside
the Forbidden City, Beijing to evade from the invading Japanese
Army on February 4, 1933. With imminent fall against the communists in China, the fleeing Nationalist
Government hastily dispatched a total 2972 crates to Taiwan in December 1948.
If the endeavour does not sound crazy enough, this
collection of treasures had been on the move for a gruelling 16 years, literally
crossing mountains and rivers in order to hide from the communists and the
invading Japanese army. Like the artefacts now kept in Taipei, the Nationalists
en mass also made their exit and was never to return to the mainland ever since.
Sampling art from the
National Palace Museum, Taipei: courtesan living is depicted with vivid
gestures and expressions. There are even hints of sonority captured by this anonymous
artist in “A Palace Concert” of Late Tang (755-907).
This is not the average bric-a-brac from Chinatown.
If one happens to be in the museum, do not miss the Ru wares of Northern Song
Dynasty (960-1127). It might be said that “Tiffany Blue” had been created and extolled more
than a thousand years ago. In every visit to the museum, I am constantly enthralled
in front of this wine warmer.
Reading chaos 閱讀混沌
As a multi-layered society dressed up in homogeneous
ethnicity, Taiwan may be difficult to decipher on many fronts. Its visual manifestations
on urban and architectural levels are often unruly to the eyes.
There exists certain order among chaos, or meaning
through jumbles. The cities in Taiwan have hardly any Haussmann-style boulevard
or grand palace; for people who'd like to search their own gems, Taiwan might be an
unlikely favorite destination.
Taichung City 台中市
Local young people seem to be very receptive to grunge
approaches to refurbishing old buildings. The qualities of design are quite
outstanding. At the inner city areas, rehab opportunities of concrete and steel
are plentiful.
Miyahara used to be a Japanese eye hospital of the
1920s that was revamped by the young architect, C.B. Su. The designer salvaged
much of the original building materials while injecting new lease of life by
creating a curtain wall exterior capping and library-like interior facade.
「宮原眼科」- 故名思義是一所日本眼科醫院。經年青建築師蘇丞斌改造後,這座1920代建築現以玻璃幕牆蓋頂及圖書館般的内立面,重獲新生。部份原有建築構件亦得以保留。
「宮原眼科」- 故名思義是一所日本眼科醫院。經年青建築師蘇丞斌改造後,這座1920代建築現以玻璃幕牆蓋頂及圖書館般的内立面,重獲新生。部份原有建築構件亦得以保留。
Still pulling crowds after opened in January, 2012,
this cake shop and ice-cream parlour are magnets of attraction in my summer
Dawn Cakes also runs another joint, which was converted
from a bank hall. The original vault door – installed at street level with new vibe,
perhaps has given away its background.
Opened in August 2013, the design formulae mixing retro, fun and industrial
appeals have developed a brand of its own.
Apart from the trendsetting establishments, Life
Tea (or “Mountain Cabin in February” in the local language) is a place I would
recommend to spend a tranquil evening on the western outskirts of the city. Its
collections of condiments and tea items, in my opinion, can melt every heart of
Not far from this restaurant and the lazy shopping streets
near Tunghai University, the Luce Memorial Chapel congregates Christians as
well as believers of modern architecture. Both I.M. Pei and the local architect
C.K. Chen claimed sole credit for the design without acknowledging the other. It
certainly looks rather dated from the exterior; but upon entrance, the inclined
space shaped with concrete is surprisingly generous and elegant.
位處以上館子及東海大學不遠處,路思義堂吸引不少教友及建築愛好者朝拜。貝聿銘及台灣建築師 -陳其寛均強調設計是個人一力之作。小教堂的外觀無疑有點過時,但甫內進後,這個斜面的水泥建構空間卻超出預期的寬敞及優美。
位處以上館子及東海大學不遠處,路思義堂吸引不少教友及建築愛好者朝拜。貝聿銘及台灣建築師 -陳其寛均強調設計是個人一力之作。小教堂的外觀無疑有點過時,但甫內進後,這個斜面的水泥建構空間卻超出預期的寬敞及優美。
Not cited anywhere as far as I know, the church has
certain resemblance to aboriginal huts in Taiwan. Anyhow, this small parabolic building
of 1963 has attained iconic status much bigger than what the architects had imagined.
The chapel is well situated on a slopping hill that allows pleasant walk around. The rear side with pronounced glass slit, is no less attractive.
Brother and brother 難兄難弟
For reasons very different from Taiwan, Serbia has
also been sidelined from the world until very recently. It is a rare chance to
sample contemporary art from this new country at the National Taiwan Museum of
Fine Arts. In “Subdued Existence: Serbian Contemporary Art Scene”, there are visions
of darkness, human failures and optimism. Many of the works are self-explanatory
that do not require elaboration.
Goran Despotovski, Selection (作品名:選擇), 2013. Sewn dolls and
Vessna Perunovich, (W)hole, House of Exile(作品名:洞/流亡之屋),
2001-10. Video and steel installation.
2001-10. Video and steel installation.
Miloš Tomić, Hair(作品名:髪), 2007. Video
With limited resources, the artist shows us
brighter side of the human spirit.
Museum visit, literally 參觀”美術館”
Tadao Ando (1941- ) has added a quality piece of
to the dreary campus of Asia University.
安滕忠雄(1941- )為亞洲大學鬱悶的校園加設了一所高水平的建築。
安滕忠雄(1941- )為亞洲大學鬱悶的校園加設了一所高水平的建築。
Asia Museum of Modern Art (or Asia Modern),
completed in October 2013, is a magnet for visitors due to the architecture
itself. Despite the unquestioned qualities, many of its exhibits including the Rodins
and Moores are slightly out of tune under the same roof. Given the resources
and time, it is hoped that the museum can acquire a stronger identity.
The open layout poses a dilemma for all architects:
Should a museum be designed as a container that houses art, or an art piece that might
outshine its content? Since this Ando building has a formidable presence inside
out, it is arguable that art viewing here plays second fiddle in many respects.
Ground Floor Plan, Asia Museum of Modern Art by Tadao
Section, Asia Museum of Modern Art
The museum design is made up of three triangulated
floor spaces that are offset against one another to form a complex spatial
arrangement. Admittedly, the triangular theme and spectacular concrete finishes
are architectural tour de force to be reckoned with.
Due to bad weather that led to the closure of the
mountain park, we were unable to enjoy the landscape of Alishan. For those with a
soft spot for trains like myself, the vintage rides cannot be missed either. An image is
what can be gathered at this point.
Lukang 鹿港
One hour drive from Taichung is this old town which
seems to have been kept in a gigantic time warp for decades. Its “federation style”
architecture, not to be seen except in film settings, is a unique blend of
ornaments fusing east and west. The charming facades along major streets, though
worn at places, are shuffled with interesting old-time traders and craftsmen.
Between the unusual Hopperesque
sitter and I, to say nothing of
the haunting dark tones, lies a catalogue telling us that this is
the haunting dark tones, lies a catalogue telling us that this is
an American ginseng retailer.
Just off the main road, there is a web of old
streets that give hints to past living. Dried mullet roe, or Borttaga in Italy, is a local delicacy
that might no longer popular with young taste buds.
Talking about youths, it impressed me to find this school field trip to Longshan Temple, built in 1831. The students played docents to their peers while the teacher was watching from behind. Rather than spoon-feeding unappreciated knowledge, this method could be more rewarding as a learning experience.
The temple is among the best timber buildings I have
ever visited
on grounds of authentic preservation and natural weathering.
on grounds of authentic preservation and natural weathering.
Cloisters are defined by ornamental door openings that
can also be read as Taoist’s signifiers.
Tainan City 台南市

Sweltering sunlight cast shadows on the model warships of Koxinga
located at the centre of the temple at Fort Provintia. Tainan was the oldest
city in Taiwan that was occupied temporarily by the Dutch in the 17th
century prior to the conflicts with the Qing Dynasty.
The Japanese also left their marks locally.
Lin Department Store (or
Hayashi as previously known)
was renovated last year after the building was initially constructed in 1932 for the same purpose.
The Japanese shrine at the roof was faithfully re-built.
Discontent with party politics granted, it is yet
difficult to understand
the mentality behind restoring
former glories of a war aggressor.
Opposite to the department building is another
Japan-related landmark completed in 1937 during the heydays of the Asia-Pacific
War. The striped classical edifice of the Land Bank of Taiwan flickers the ghost of fascist
architecture seldom seen in Asia.
「林百貨」對面是另外一棟地標式日治建築。台南土地銀行於1937年蓋好, 標誌著太平洋戰爭時的重要建設。銀行的嚴謹外觀,彌溢著法西斯式建築的靈魂,在亞洲地區是比較罕見。
「林百貨」對面是另外一棟地標式日治建築。台南土地銀行於1937年蓋好, 標誌著太平洋戰爭時的重要建設。銀行的嚴謹外觀,彌溢著法西斯式建築的靈魂,在亞洲地區是比較罕見。
Chrysanthemum bosses, emblematic of the Japanese
imperial family and nationalism, are still visible on the coffered ceiling.
Dean-E Mei, Taiwan loves Japan/Japan loves Taiwan, 1998.
To borrow again the caustic visions of Dean-E Mei who sees the bilateral relationship from different perspectives, we have Japan looking down on Taiwan on the left whilst Taiwan faithfully looks up to Japan. A partial view of course.
Confucius Temple with the ominous presence of “loyalty”,
“Chastity”, “Chivalry”
and “Piety” painted on the walls.
The virtues remind one of the stern
governance in a bygone era, which ended with a multi-party system since the 1980s. The
same might apply to moralistic teachings that are no longer popular.
孔子廟裏的四字道德 - 忠、孝、節、義,隨着80年代發展的多黨制,今刻祇能令人勾起逝去的威權政治。同理,道德教誨這一套亦難免無人問津。
Grunge interiors (adding old to new deco) of Tainan
have taken a step further than those in Taichung. If time is allowed, there
should a whole article devoted to this topic. Before waiting too long, here is a
glimpse of this local design phenomenon. From above, the bar of Funny Wenqing
at Shan Lun Street is a quintessential example of this style.
Liang Liang is a small setup by a couple with a gallery
and café split
between two floors of a terraced building.
At a larger scale, Sonnentor Café serves food with art on the side. The
artworks are daring if not quirky. With a nice break from local dishes, it was a sheer comfort to have tasted their
in-house pastas that are comparable in quality with the best eateries anywhere.
比較大規模的要說「日光大道 - 台南廚坊」巧妙地將食物與藝術拼湊,後者既大胆亦怪哉。餐廳的自製意大利麵條絕對可跟世界其他食肆媲美。吃得多本土菜,當天的一頓午餐帶回不少慰藉。
The National Museum of Taiwan Literature provides a
vista to sample local literacy scenes. With political reasons, its exhibits are related to writers affiliated with the south than those from the north, and
left-wing than right.
Despite the on-going renovation works at the time,
the place is worth visiting for literary fans or anyone interested in the art of presentation.
Due credits must be given to the exhibition designers in Taiwan, the quality of
setups and contents in venues including this one seldom fails to impress.
Kaohsiung 高雄
There are a lot to offer in this city, but it was
meant to be a stop-over of two days for our train journey to the eastern side of the
island. It turned out to be a brief visit neither my wife nor I would forget.
There was no escape in this second visit in Kaohsiung -
Dream Mall was everything we had in the mega-malls of Hong Kong. The fairground
at roof level during sunset made a pleasant stroll before dinner.
A massive gas
explosion took place in the late evening on July 31, killing 32 people including six
firemen and injuring more than three hundred people. We happened to be at the
scene of the accident less than 24 hours ago.
From Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, the clever curatorial team
has allowed the public to revisit the old collections under the title of “On Wings of
Poetry and Music”, which included an impressive display of local pop music in the
last 50 years.
The exhibition included the dualities of play
pairings of paintings and poems (reflected through mirrors).
Hsu Su-chen (1966-2013), Life Code of the Ocean II
photographic images of bodily parts in perplex spheres.
One of those was an installation by Hsu who passed
away suddenly before the exhibition. The poem in place was an emotional
dedication by Catherine Yen : “Our path written at the edge of clouds” (translated
by writer). I shared her feeling particularly due to my “near miss” in Kaohsiung
許淑真的〈海洋裡的生命密碼II〉令筆者特別感觸:這身體部位攝影連裝置在完成後還未展出,她就突然死去。二元關聯的新詩 -〈我與你的緣份寫在雲端〉是凃妙沂的作品。因為「高雄氣爆」的險遇,本人對許,凃之作多了一份認同感。
Words, words, words 最愛文字
It was said that Taiwan used to print poetry on
toilet paper, a saying that related not much to its origin than reflection on
the fervent reading habit of its people. “Off the Roll, Poetry”, published
monthly since 2008, suggests that the national pastime is established firmly
beyond bathroom doors.
Nga this
girl radiates like dew, Kebalan
streams with thick water.
(translated by writer)
This local folk saying is
enshrined at the entrance of Lanyang Museum. Words carry more weight here like
no other places. They are means of communication, persuasion and sometimes covert weapon in this literary nation.
Estile Bookshops are the biggest chain with
branches that open 24 hours a day. Their shops are characteristically ample in
space and dotted with reading areas. Most of their books are unwrapped,
browsing are often measured in unit of hours by visitors. Above is the shop in
Chungyo Department Store in Taichung.
Room A is an independent bookshop in Tainan that
prides itself with a niche collection, cozy atmosphere and quality food and
Room A 是台南的獨立書店,以個性書藏、雅緻氛圍及優質簡餐為自家賣點。
Room A 是台南的獨立書店,以個性書藏、雅緻氛圍及優質簡餐為自家賣點。
A smart business mode Tsao-chi, also in Tainan, operates on is a small
fee to enter. Upon buying a book, the fee can be deducted at the counter. With
an interesting layout of stripped stairs and broken floor to impress customers, the shop ensures that each determined
visitor would make a purchase.
台南另一家店 - 草祭二手書店採用有別的手法營運,客人內進前需付少額費用。若買書的話,這費用可以在售價上扣減。書主利用店舖破樓板及誘人的空間吸引顧客進內,同時亦保證他們離開時買走書籍。
Kishu An Forest of Literature combines book-selling with event activities. It sits opposite to a preserved Japanese bungalow that used to be a restaurant of the rich and famous a century ago. The heritage building, meticulously renovated, is in itself worth visiting despite the fact that the original interior and pond setting had vanished.
Chou Meng-tieh (1921-2014) – I cannot express myself
better than to say that the poet was cool through and through.
I went to visit the spot outside Café Astoria,
Taipei where he sold old books for two decades until 1980. Apart from the commemoration
of his passing early this May, I quote a few lines below to reflect on Chou’s
charisma as much as his credentials in writing:
I prefer the colour purple.
I prefer to rest and wake early,
I prefer to rest and wake early,
to go out
and return early.
I prefer cold porridge,
broken ink slab, clear window;
broken ink slab, clear window;
to busy myself on works that
are idled by others and to idle on
works everyone is busying.
are idled by others and to idle on
works everyone is busying.
I prefer, unless situations not permitted,
to work with my bare hands on
everything, no matter large or small.
to work with my bare hands on
everything, no matter large or small.
I prefer vague impressions to hard
I prefer sitting ashore
than roughing out
with the waves.
I prefer expansion and contraction,
like detached
engagements between
railway tracks.
I prefer to go as the last resort,
to terminate when and where appropriate.
I prefer to go as the last resort,
to terminate when and where appropriate.
I prefer to attain final enlightenment
in solitude.
I prefer not to prefer.
(A few stanzas of I prefer by Chou in 2004 (translated by writer),
after Possibilities by Wislawa Szymborska)
Gem discovery or converging towards mainstream – Taiwan has been listed to be among the 20 Best Trips by National Geographic in 2015.
(摘錄自周夢蝶2004年的〈我選擇〉- 作品模仿波蘭女詩人Wislawa Szymborska的Possibilities)