Friday, 28 February 2025

Not Necessarily ‘smooth sailing’...


Getting the artwork - Lives Beyond Loadbearing thought out and planning on mold-making are difficult.  However, it doesn’t warrant that every stop of the way to completion is challenge free.  Here is a juncture to make amends.

Fingers crossed; there are still processes to face up to including pigment adjustments, cement pouring and assembly. 

Yet, I’m enjoying the work.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Raw Architecture - Gau

Got this woodwork that demonstrates the very essence of architecture - delightful and effective piece of enclosure. It is a shrine box, gau as known in Tibet, collected in Shanghai years ago. The shopkeeper explained that this carving houses a deity for traveler or pilgrim on the road. My jade bear, posed inside the gau, is yet to be risen as deity.